About Bob

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Learn More About Bob

Bob Giuda was born in February 1952, and raised in the northeastern United States. He graduated from Pittsfield (NH) High School in 1970 with high honors, and from the United States Naval Academy in June 1975 with a Bachelor of Science in Operations Analysis. He served as a commissioned officer and carrier-based attack pilot in the United States Marine Corps, attaining the rank of Captain and receiving numerous citations, decorations and awards for his service.

After leaving the Marine Corps, Bob served our nation as an FBI Agent, working against international drug cartels until his love of flying led him back to aviation. He joined United Airlines as a flight engineer in 1986 and retired in February 2017 as an international Boeing 777 Captain.

Bob served as a Selectman for 4 years, then served 3 terms (6 years) as a State Representative. He successfully opposed proposed sales and income taxes, and helped address inequities in education funding. He leadership led to his appointment as Deputy Majority Leader of the House.

After 9/11, as an airline captain and State Representative, Bob led the successful national legislative effort to train and arm airline pilots as a deterrent to future terrorist hijackings. He was also Prime Sponsor of New Hampshire’s successful Constitutional Amendment addressing the controversial Kelo vs. New London CT (US Supreme Court) eminent domain case. As a result, no private land in New Hampshire can ever be taken by local, county or state government and given to a private entity for development or other purposes.

As a small business owner, Bob understands the rigors facing our businesses, and has consistently worked to sensibly reduce taxes and unneeded regulations. He is currently Warren Town Moderator, a member of the School Board, and Commander of American Legion Post 76.

Now finishing his second term in the Senate, he serves on the Ways and Means, Energy and Natural Resources, and Finance Committees, addressing the evolving needs of our people and businesses. He led the Senate’s fight to stabilize the biomass industry, and fought hard to stop Northern Pass, working hard for the people he represents.

Bob’s wife of 39 years, Christine, served our nation as a Navy Nurse. They have 3 grown children. Tragically stricken with a brain aneurysm, she has been in a persistent vegetative state for 3-1/2 years, and resides in a facility dedicated to those with acute brain injuries.

Bob enjoys hunting, fishing, flying, and sharing the unique beauty of our state with his grandson. He remains committed to ensuring a sound and healthy future for New Hampshire’s people, businesses and institutions.

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